Our Community

The Shroomie Brand was created to promote and celebrate acceptance, and create a community of likeminded people.

When we wear Shroomie, we become human billboards for respect and acceptance - we aren't flaunting our status but rather the universal message that we are all one.

Wearing brand-name clothing can be about vanity and filling a void in self-esteem. Many luxury brands profit by preying on our human need for acceptance, and like social media can disrupt our ability to love ourselves.  

Wearing Shroomie means you stand for…

Individuality & Equality

• Each of us is a unique ingredient in the big recipe that is the universe

• No person can be “better” or “worse” than another

• Comparison and self-judgment are a dead-ends for those pursuing wellbeing

Love & Acceptance

• We are all perfect beings, doing the best we can do in any given moment

• If something is blocking you from being able to love another - it’s about you, not them

• You might as well choose to Love Not Judge

One Foot in Front of the Other

• Life and existence can be confusing, to say the least

• Life can be terrifyingly lonely and awesomely wonderful at the same time

• We believe that taking life moment by moment is the path - one breathe at a time, one step at a time

A Note from the Founders

We hope you’ll join us and help spread the message by wearing Shroomie - we are all “Shroomies” after all. Remember the Shroomie Code: If you see someone else wearing Shroomie, please go over and hug them and let them know that they belong.

- Zeus and Jason

While the Shroomie brand may have been born from a psychedelic experience, we are in no way endorsing the use of psychedelics. Psychedelics are extremely powerful substances, they are not for everyone and they are not for recreational use. There are many awesome ways to gain new perspectives including being part of a community, meditating, music, dancing, chanting, singing, floating, breathwork, being in nature, and being with yourself!